Belun - About us

About us



We are BELUN ORGANICS LTD., better known under our brand name BELUN. We specialize in the production of nut and seed butter, nut pastes, and nut oils.

This is a small family business located in the town of Dobrich. Our company has a long history dating back to the dawn of democracy in Bulgaria. For a long time, our activity was related to the production and wholesale and retail trade of fruits and vegetables. Today, that is just part of our family history, of which we are proud.

Over the years, we invested in our own plantations – walnuts and hazelnuts. We grow them organically near Dobrich, adhering to the EU regulations for organic farming. We consider this one of our biggest advantages because we have control over the raw materials we work with from their very origin.

We borrowed the name “BELUN” from the Slavic god of fertility, goodness, and light, as we wanted to “bless” our products with it and imbue them with love and positive energy.

Our production is bio-certified according to European regulations and is under the control of “COSMOSERT – Certification Services,” branch Bulgaria. We operate under the international food safety standard – IFS, certified by TUV Rheinland.

Today, we continue to develop our original idea, constantly adding new and interesting products to our assortment. We do everything with patience, love, hard work, and professionalism.

We strive to continuously improve product safety and quality through new investments in equipment and technology. We achieve all this without adding preservatives, colorants, emulsifiers, or palm fats to our products. This is why partners both in Bulgaria and beyond trust us.

In addition to our own products, we also produce items on request for other brands. Our products are not just in the familiar small jars. A large part of them is used as raw materials for other productions – baked goods, protein and raw bars, ice creams, chocolates, creams, salads, and more. In this way, people from all over Europe and the world indirectly experience what we create.

Belun - About us

Current certificates


IFS Food


EU Organic